Simplicity is our goal. Not bragging shapes and façades. We allow houses to grow from the inside and let the shapes and façades be the result, rather than the prerequisite
Knud FriisFounder, Architect
Architecture / Housing
- Housing, Museumspladsen, EsbjergHousing
- Housing, Karolinehaven, AalborgHousing
- Housing, Lysningen, EsbjergHousing
- Student and family homes, AalborgHousing
- Housing at Godsbanearealet, AalborgHousing
- The Clusters in the Forest, AarhusHousing
- Villa Hove, AarhusHousing
- Villa in AarhusHousing
- Palsgaard Estate, JuelsmindeHousing
- FiskarhedenvillanHousing