VR provides entirely new possibilities across time and place
Virtual Reality (VR) is a fully implemented communication tool, which FRIIS & MOLTKE deploy to illustrate design options and architectural potential for our collaborators.
VR contributes to a greater understanding of the project. Before the project has even left the drawing board, VR gives us the sense of standing in a room and an experience of the scale, distances, light and materials in a building. VR helps to enhance the understanding of a project, providing a unique opportunity to involve stakeholders who may not be accustomed to interpreting technical drawings. Using VR at a very early stage helps shorten the decision-making process.

APP til mobilen / SCOPE vr viewer
Find a set of VR goggles and explore FRIIS & MOLTKE´s virtuel world
See our VR illustrations on your computer screen here.
For the ultimate experience, get the SCOPEs vr viewer app for yourApple or Android mobile phone.
STEP 1) Download the free app SCOPE vr viewer to your phone
STEP 2) Press the + button and enter this code: 7HWD7H to view our VR renders
STEP 3) Remember to wear the goggles - and your headset!