A modern police station that signals openness and forms an optimal setting for the daily work of the police
FRIIS & MOLTKE’s approach to the task was to create a modern police station that signals openness in the eyes of the town’s inhabitants, at the same time forming an optimal setting for the daily work of the police. The building’s significant location in the town gave rise to another important cornerstone in the process of transforming a former commercial area into a modern town.
The main idea of the project was to create a dynamic building with a clearly defined architectural impact, which both contrasted and interacted with its surroundings. From the outset the priority was to create optimal functionality within the given physical framework. This resulted in a building, which was very much developed from the inside out, not only in terms of the building as a daily workplace, but also in terms of the building as an important central police station.
The Central Police Station is a PPP project with A. Enggaard A/S as the turnkey contractor.

Kunstnerportræt / Christian Achenbach
Den tyske kunstner Christian Achenbach har skabt de syv værker, som hænger fra loft til gulv i frontens vinduesparti
De syv kunstværker skal symbolisere de gamle politikredse, der nu er blevet til én, og bevidstheden om én kreds går igen 22 andre steder, idet man har lavet store vægudmykninger, der hver viser et billede fra en lokation i kredsen.

Artikel / Struer Dagbladet
Stedet du ikke ønsker at havne - og så alligevel
For politiets nye hovedkvarter er alt det, det nuværende hjem ikke er: Lyst, moderne og indbydende. Og så bliver der ikke længere brug for en drømmeseng.
Tekst: Palle Hyldahl Brændsgaard / Fotos: Morten Stricker / April 2016