Operation and maintenance facilities for Ørsted for the Anholt Offshore Wind Farm at Grenaa Harbour
In 2012-2013, Ørsted (former DONG Energy) built the Anholt Offshore Wind Farm, located between Djursland and Anholt in the Kattegat. In 2015 it was the largest offshore wind farm in Denmark with 111 turbines and a total capacity of 400 MW. The park covers 4% of Denmark’s total electricity consumption with CO2-free electricity.
The O&M building at Grenaa Harbour is Ørsteds land-based operating centre for the management and maintenance of the Anholt Offshore Wind Farm.
The building was an existing cold store, which was completely rebuilt with an isolated ‘inserted box’ on the 1st floor, which houses offices, control rooms, meeting and canteen facilities, along with shower facilities for offshore service staff etc. On the ground floor there are workshops, warehouses, drying facilities etc.
An adjacent, older cold store was renovated. It serves as a cold store and contains larger components. The old ice tower at the harbour was also renovated and converted, and serves as a base for communication (antenna) to the offshore wind farm, while inside the tower there are facilities for safety training for offshore workers.
Grenaa, Denmark
3.445 m²
Friis & Moltke Architects
LB - Consult
Aalrode tømrerfirma A/S